Site icon Catron County Commissioner

League of Women Voters Questionaire

How have your experience and education prepared you for this office?

Executive management positions in sales, marketing and manufacturing has provided a foundation in fiscal responsibility that has been expanded by exhaustive research in Constitutional Law and statutory law that gives me a positive perspective on the Power of local government to promote local business. My publishing, media and internet experience provides solid solutions for expanding local communication as well as advertising and promotion of local destinations and business at meager cost.

Name one of the biggest problems facing the county today and explain how it should be handled.

Forces outside of Catron County conspire to create an economic disaster by foreign regulations suffocating local businesses and creating rampant unemployment and poverty. Federal and State revenuers conduct ruthless regulatory control and devastation under “color of law” which is outlawed by our local Ordinance 002-91 as well as the Constitution. I would prosecute! An understandable lack of education and a chronic communication failure can be corrected by modern technology applied judiciously.

What should the county do to support economic development?

The most important power of the Board of County Commissioners is to protect the God-given Rights and Freedom of the People they serve. If the People are free from outside regulations and rules “under color of law” they will thrive and prosper. By promoting Catron County on domains such as and providing free advertising and promotion, local business is rewarded by providing goods and services to people visiting the wild grandeur in which we live, and tourists go home happy.

Is broadband adequate throughout the county? If not, what can county government do about it?

A wilderness environment and sparse population will always make wide-spread broadband a great difficulty. Although satellite services are available, their bandwidth is pathetic. So those who choose to live in remote locations are pleased to live with that limitation and the small towns now have broadband services comparable to metro areas. The county might find it advantageous to invest or support more cell towers to cover dark zones, but some people prefer “wireless” wilderness. Debate needed.

Please use the form below or my email for any questions, comments, thoughts or ideas:

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